Tuesday, May 24, 2011

American Rose: The Life & Times of Gypsy Rose Lee

Author: Karen Abbott

Biography with a slightly confusing structure, leaping back and forth in time. Great context of what was happening all around burlesque, corruption, speakeasies, dance marathons etc.

Seven Steps on a Writer's Path

Authors: Nancy Pickard and Lynn Lott

Interesting, worthy of a place on the shelf for those days when I don't know why I bother or what I want to do.

Mrs. Jeffries Forges Ahead

Author: Emily Brightwell

Same old cast investigating the murder of a young wife, by poison during a ball. Always fun and British and crusty.

Dogs and Goddesses

Authors: Jennifer Crusie, Anne Stuart and Lani Diane Rich

Romp across a college town where a Mesopotamian temple and a google search has given rise to an ancient goddess. Fun, sexy and easy to read - loved the talking dog personalities.

Delusions of Gender

Author: Cordelia Fine

This book totally screws the scientific notion that boys and girls are wired differently in the the brain. It's all cultural. Even asking the sex of a test writer will cause the test taker to perform to gender stereotypes. Lots of bad science out there posing as truth.

Up Close: Harper Lee

Author: Kerry Madden

Biography of Nelle Harper Lee, author of To Kill A Mockingbird. Clearly, access to the author was not allowed, so content gathered from townspeople, old interviews etc. Not half as fascinating as Mockingbird.

Same Difference

Author / Illustrator: Derek Kirk Kim

Collection of short stories. Same difference (title story) is briiliant, subtle and unafraid of dragging out awkward moments. Lots to learn from this - almost unchanging sequence of panels.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Berlin: City of Stones / City of Smoke

Author / Illustrator: Jason Lutes

Fascinating, rich portrait of Berlin as the Weimar republic crashes down, communists march in the streets, the elite parties and intellectuals discuss.

Details in the art of clothing are so carefully rendered and the multiple story lines weave together and contrast the starving poor with the wealthy.

At the end of City of Smoke, the National Socialists are elected into parliament.

Memories, Dreams, Reflections

Author: C.G. Jung
(But recorded and edited by Aniela Jaffe)

Possibly more interesting than reading his other works, here he remembers his life and what he learned. Interesting historical and cultural record. It's also as if the two wars never happened or passed unnoticed, which I find strange.

Very slow read, couldn't take more than a few chapters a night.

Vancouver: Then and Now

Author: Frances Mansbridge

Historical photos are places side by side with contemporary shots of the same locale, generally at the same angle. How reassuring to see tall weeds on the boulevard across from Heritage Hall, just like another small town.

Death in a Scarlet Coat

Author: David Dickinson

Lord of the Manor dies, doctor bullied into saying natural causes, and Lord Powerscourt investigates with his wife's help. Set before WWI, equipped with a 'Silver Ghost' motorcar and connections, a good cosy that held suspense until close to the end.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Author / Illustrator: Daniel Clowes

One page vignettes of a very depressing character add up to a life story. Interesting experiments with the art work that didn't interrupt the story flow.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Venice Chronicles

Author / Illustrator: Enrico Casarosa

A sketchbook of Venice and of love. Sweet, great illustrations. Annoying angels and demons (but they were supposed to be) and lovely watercolours.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Homeopathy Bible

Author: Ambika Wauters

Good reference book, great info at front and back with materia medica in between. Many remedies new to this reader.

Should buy as companion to other wordier books. This has many photos and easily distilled information.

Cancer made me a shallower person

Author / Illustrator: Miriam Engelberg

Wry look at the realities of experiencing cancer. She's funny and makes you stop to think before ramming your foot in your mouth next time you talk to a cancer survivor.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Big Skinny

Author / Illustrator: Carol Lay

How to get thin and look fabulous (count calories and exercise) in comic book form.
Includes tables and recipes.

Kind of inspiring and grumble inducing.

The Stargazey

Author: Martha Grimes

Another pub titled murder mystery about Jury and his cronies. Interesting penciled in note in this one by an annoyed ex-pat. Apparently, she gets just enough details wrong to make the brits batty, but not enough to trouble a canadian.