Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Emotional House

Authors: Kathryn L. Robyn & Dawn Ritchie

How redesigning your home can change your life.
  1. The bathroom must always be clean.
  2. Dishes, countertops & stove must be wiped down every night before going to bed.
  3. Sheets must be washed weekly in hot water.
Really? Maybe I justr need a good clutter control book.

The Bird Sisters

Author: Rebecca Rasmussen

The tale of Twiss & Milly, who at the end of their days wander in and out of memory. Well-told, with intriguing characters and some amazing moments.


Author: Georgette Heyer

Such comfortable regency romances! Enjoyed this with a bath. Sheltered girl falls for supposed rake. Happy ending. No surprises.

Wild Ride

Author: Jennifer Crusie & Bob Mayer

Very funny, demon fighting romance/drama set in a theme park. Loved it. Utterly unexpected.

A Grave in the Cotswolds

Author: Rebecca Tope

Lovely British murder mystery told from the POV of an underdog undertaker who falls in with a lonely housesitter. Many others in this series, but I wonder what POV they are all told from?
Must investigate.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Cloud Atlas

Author: David Mitchell

Albeit a bit heavy on the message, a spell binding sequence of stories that are barely linked, but tell of slavery, biogenics and people using people.

Hard to put down in spite of the weight of the content.
Love his writing. Looking for more titles.

The Exile

Author: Diana Gabaldon
Illustrator: Hoang Nguyen

Basically, Outlander from Jamie's point of view. Haven't read Outlander but this was OK, not spectacular.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Three Shadows

Author / Illustrator: Cyril Pedrosa

Incredible, sensitive graphic novel about a child's death. Illustrations were amazing.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Dream on It: Unlock your Dreams, Change your Life

Author: Laura Quinn Loewenberg

Didn't read through but found some sections fascinating. Good gift for Margaret - the kind of reference you want to consult on an as needed basis rather than reading for pleasure.

Jane and the Madness of Lord Byron

Author: Stephanie Barron

I love these novels because the characters are fairly worn in and comforting to hang with. Now I'm curious about George Gordon, Lord Byron and looking for a juicy biography.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Moomin: Vol. 4

Author / Illustrator: Tove Jansson

Delightful comic strip from the 50's. Surprisingly long story lines.

Now I crave Pogo.

The Four Hour Body

Author: Timothy Ferriss

Fast read from the library, so due back before I'm past the weight loss chapters.

Will purchase soon, as I've started the 'slow-carb' diet and am feeling pretty good, more energy and less hunger. Way more information than needed, but it's good to have it handy to save time researching if something really twigs an interest.

Time to Write

Author: Kelly Stone

Writing schedules, time and word quotas and many other helpful bits of advice. Should have read this after the Procrastination Equation instead of before.

Worth buying.

Good Calories, Bad Calories

Author: Gary Taubes

Detailed survey about weight loss science in the last 200 years. Concludes that carbohydrates (especially refined ones) are the culprit behind the obesity and diabetes epidemic.

Reassuring and makes sense, even though it means turning my back on some favorite foods.

Only skimmed parts of it based on personal relevance, readable but dense.

Dancing with Mr. Darcy

Stories inspired by Jane Austen and Chawton House
The Best of Jane Austen Short Story Competition

Interesting collection. Each author included a note about what they were going for in the story or how it was relevant. The most effective stories for me were set in contemporary times.

The Procrastination Equation

Author: Piers Steel

Expectancy x Value

Impulsiveness x Delay

It made complete sense at the time of reading. Had good advice for implementation as well, but somehow it seemed too far away from day to day to take on. Although, I have been getting things done with less stress since reading it, so perhaps it's helped subliminally.

Writing Jane Austen

Author: Elizabeth Aston

A different take on Jane fanfiction, an author is given the first 3000 words of a lost manuscript of Austen's and told to finish it. Mocks the genre while fully embracing it. Enjoyed very much.

Indecent Proposal

Author: AC Arthur

Soft porn between romance covers with an unstable point of view. 'Urban Romance Fiction' indeed.

The Ladie's Man

Author: Elinor Lipman

Funny and sad and slightly surreal. The schmuck returns from the coast to apologize to the woman he jilted 30 years ago, and sleeps and charms his way around Boston.

Some great female characters.